Welcome to the Paradise

Myself? Well, I'm a Hunter: a much needed job here in Paradise City.

The nights are eerie. The days aren't much better. This whole city seems like it's out to get you, and not just because there's the fact that a significant portion of the population would literally kill you if given the chance. Actual, real human beings? They're just a portion of the population. Paradise is home to the heavenly and the infernal, whether or not you'd believe it. Let's be honest, after all, get out into the greater state and you find that no one even remembers we exist.

What do I hunt? Well, I thought that was obvious. Around here, we're pretty 'tolerant,' really. Chances are we've seen worse than you, but please, don't go out of your way to prove it. The only real law is the status quo and that is what I am allowed to prosecute with extreme prejudice. Shift things up too much and before somebody who's actually 'vested in the matter can do it, some wannabe devil's gonna put their name on a contract and suddenly half the mercs in every divebar start thinking about payday.

The way myself - and a lot of folk - tend to see it is that as long as we got ours and you keep your fingers the hell off, we don't really mind what kinda hell you raise in our backyard. We do it, too. Piss the wrong folks off, of course, and every John, Chuck, and Mary will rise to the occasion to stick a sword in you. Wait, no, sorry, I'm forgetting about about Beelzebub and Gabriel; if you're not careful, they'll start lookin' your way and before you know it, your viscera's paintin' half the block.

Men so often think they're monsters until they've met real ones.


Hi, I'm the Chief (as well as a few other alts) and the owner of the room. If you have any questions, go ahead and ask! The room is focused on urban fantasy, taking things like Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, and Silent Hill to their logical extents as a setting, along with other inspirations. See here for more detailed setting information regarding locations, factions, entities, and so forth.

In any case where I'm not around, Call me Irish can answer questions regarding the setting. Between us two, we are the 'staff,' so please feel free to ask about anything related to the room.


Posts get priority. If people are posting actively, please try to keep posts from disappearing off-screen until no longer relevant.

Please avoid using characters based off of daemons listed in the Ars Goetia without explicit permission from the room staff.

It's important to stress that while there are 'classes' of mercenary, they are more or less there for fluff and it is not expected for a [player character] to fall under their taxonomies.

If there is a mechanic or interaction you do not feel fits your character, as per the above, it's important to stress that [player characters] are excellent examples of exceptions to prove the rule.

Dark themes are definitely implied and encouraged, but there's a right and a wrong kind of edgy. Keep it tasteful, you don't have to keep it clean.

Recent Events

Room Topic has been made.

Room info profile updated. New layout, revised concepts, and enhanced flavor on previously defined locations and factions.